Airfield Circuitry

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Airfield Circuitry

Whether you need only low intensity runway edge lighting or require low visibility Surface Movement Guidance Control System (SMGCS) lighting for aircraft operations below 600 feet Runway Visual Range (RVR), we design airfield circuitry for ease of maintenance and troubleshooting. Isolating airfield circuits via strategic conduit systems and access points greatly reduces maintenance efforts and down time by simplifying troubleshooting procedures and minimizing the confusion factor. Circuit pictorials can be provided as part of the design to not only aid in the construction effort but also to provide maintenance with a clear understanding of each airfield circuit layout and routing.


Airfield Circuitry

  • Series Circuits (6.6A/20A)
  • Isolation Transformers
  • Parallel Circuits (120/240VAC)
  • Dedicated Sign Series Circuits (5.5A)
  • Primary/Secondary Power Distribution (120, 240, 480, 2400, 4160 VAC)
  • Sectionalizer
  • Transformers

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