Aviation Alliance, Inc. (AAI), located in Colleyville, TX is a corporation with over 40 years of experience in the industry.
Navigational Aids (NAVAIDS) augment aircraft flight safety by utilizing visual and electronic signals to establish bearings, headings, distances, azimuths and vertical guidance through airspace. Visual NAVAIDS in particular assist the pilot in acquiring the runway environs to make the important transition from the transparency of flight to safely touching down on the runway.
From Runway End Identifier Lights (REIL’s) to full Instrument Landing Systems (ILS’s) we can provide a system to enhance flight safety and even lower aircraft operational minimums for improved capacity.
We have developed in-house software programs to model glide slope Fresnel zones, localizer reflectivity analysis, and to assist with the proper siting of visual and electronic NAVAIDS in accordance with design criteria.
We coordinate with FAA to assure takeover of operations and maintenance where applicable.
Sarah Guite | Office Manager